Continuous time in consistent histories

Dec, 1999
95 pages
  • Chris Isham

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We discuss the case of histories labelled by a continuous time parameter in the {\em History Projection Operator} consistent-histories quantum theory. We describe how the appropriate representation of the history algebra may be chosen by requiring the existence of projection operators that represent propositions about time averages of the energy. We define the action operator for the consistent histories formalism, as the quantum analogue of the classical action functional, for the simple harmonic oscillator case. We show that the action operator is the generator of two types of time transformations that may be related to the two laws of time-evolution of the standard quantum theory: the `state-vector reduction' and the unitary time-evolution. We construct the corresponding classical histories and demonstrate the relevance with the quantum histories; we demonstrate how the requirement of the temporal logic structure of the theory is sufficient for the definition of classical histories. Furthermore, we show the relation of the action operator to the decoherence functional which describes the dynamics of the system. Finally, the discussion is extended to give a preliminary account of quantum field theory in this approach to the consistent histories formalism.
  • Ph.D. Thesis (Advisor: Chris Isham)
  • thesis
  • quantum mechanics
  • path integral
  • time: transformation
  • Hamiltonian formalism
  • Fock space
  • action
  • model: oscillator
  • coherent state
  • field theory: relativistic