The Photon structure from deep inelastic electron photon scattering
Dec, 1999Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
The present knowledge of the structure of the photon is presented with emphasis on measurements of the photon structure obtained from deep inelastic electron-photon scattering at e+e- colliders. This review covers the leptonic and hadronic structure of quasi-real and also of highly virtual photons, based on measurements of structure functions and differential cross-sections. Future prospects of the investigation of the photon structure in view of the ongoing LEP2 programme and of a possible linear collider are addressed. The most relevant results in the context of measurements of the photon structure from photon-photon scattering at LEP and from photon-proton and electron-proton scattering at HERA are summarised.Note:
- 206 pages, 91 figures, 36 tables
- review: experimental results
- electron positron: colliding beams
- electron p: colliding beams
- photon electron: deep inelastic scattering
- photon: structure function
- exchange: two-photon
- photon photon: interaction
- photon p: interaction
- structure function: leptonic
- structure function: hadronic