We studied with BeppoSAX the infrared luminous galaxy IRAS 09104+4109 over a very wide X-ray band from 0.1 to 80 keV. Our observations indicate the dominance of a thermal component at energies below 8 keV, which we attribute to the free-free emission from the intracluster (IC) plasma surrounding the source. Above 10 keV we find evidence for the existence of flux in excess with respect to the free-free IC plasma emission. This, together with the marginal detection of a neutral iron line at ∼6.4 keV, gives a strong indication for the presence of an AGN deeply buried within the source. This component is best modelled by a strongly absorbed (N_H > 5 10^{24} cm^{-2}) power-law plus unabsorbed reflection spectrum (0.1546erg/s,wellwithintherangeofquasarluminosities.OurresultsindicatethatIRAS09104+4109isindeedtheprototypeofarareclassofsources,theluminoustype−2QSOs.Theassociationofthissourcewithahugecooling−flowof\sim 1000 M_\odot$ in the cluster, as indicated by the X-ray data, might suggest that such condition of extremely fast mass accumulation could favour the survival of a thick obscuring envelope, which would otherwise be quickly destroyed by the very luminous central source.