Hard loop approach to anisotropic systems
Jan, 2000Citations per year
Anisotropic systems of quarks and gluons, which at least for sufficiently short space-time intervals can be treated as homogeneous and static, are considered. The gluon polarization tensor of such a system is explicitly computed within the semiclassical kinetic and Hard Loop diagrammatic theories. The equivalence of the two approaches is demonstrated. The quark self energy is computed as well, and finally, the dispersion relations of quarks and gluons in the anisotropic medium are discussed.Note:
- 10 pages, revised to appear in Phys. Rev. D
- plasma: relativistic
- quark gluon: plasma
- anisotropy
- transport theory
- plasma: color
- thermodynamics
- quark: propagator
- gluon: propagator
- renormalization
- vacuum polarization
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