Mirror symmetry
Feb, 2000Citations per year
We prove mirror symmetry for supersymmetric sigma models on Kahler manifolds in 1+1 dimensions. The proof involves establishing the equivalence of the gauged linear sigma model, embedded in a theory with an enlarged gauge symmetry, with a Landau-Ginzburg theory of Toda type. Standard R -> 1/R duality and dynamical generation of superpotential by vortices are crucial in the derivation. This provides not only a proof of mirror symmetry in the case of (local and global) Calabi-Yau manifolds, but also for sigma models on manifolds with positive first Chern class, including deformations of the action by holomorphic isometries.- sigma model: nonlinear
- supersymmetry
- dimension: 2
- gauge field theory
- symmetry: mirror
- orbifold
- field theory: Calabi-Yau
- duality
- correlation
- field theoretical model: CP(N-1)