Hybrid baryon signatures
Feb, 20008 pages
Part of Excited nucleons and hadronic structure. Proceedings, Conference, NSTAR 2000, Newport News, USA, February 16-19, 2000, 171-178
Contribution to:
- nucl-th/0004053 [nucl-th]
Report number:
- LA-UR-00-2054
Citations per year
We discuss whether a low-lying hybrid baryon should be defined as a three quark - gluon bound state or as three quarks moving on an excited adiabatic potential. We show that the latter definition becomes exact, not only for very heavy quarks, but also for specific dynamics. We review the literature on the signatures of hybrid baryons, with specific reference to strong hadronic decays, electromagnetic couplings, diffractive production and production in psi decay.- talk: Newport News 2000/02/16
- hadron spectroscopy
- baryon: hybrid
- bound state: (3quark gluon)
- potential: adiabatic
- effective Hamiltonian
- bound state: (3quark)
- flux tube
- baryon: decay
- photon nucleon: interaction