Following is a collection of lecture notes on D-branes, which may be used by the reader as preparation for applications to modern research applications such as: the AdS/CFT and other gauge theory/geometry correspondences, Matrix Theory and stringy non-commutative geometry, etc. In attempting to be reasonably self-contained, the notes start from classical point-particles and develop the subject logically (but selectively) through classical strings, quantisation, D-branes, supergravity, superstrings, string duality, including many detailed applications. Selected focus topics feature D-branes as probes of both spacetime and gauge geometry, highlighting the role of world-volume curvature and gauge couplings, with some non-Abelian cases. Other advanced topics which are discussed are the (presently) novel tools of research such as fractional branes, the enhancon mechanism, D(ielectric)-branes and the emergence of the fuzzy/non-commutative sphere.
  • This is an expanded writeup of lectures given at ICTP, TASI, and BUSSTEPP
  • 222 pages; numerous figures and inserts; LaTeX, sprocl.sty, psfig.sty. This is an expanded writeup of lectures given at ICTP, TASI, and BUSSTEPP (v3: refs, comments and footnote added. small typos corrected. See main text pages: 81, 82, 101, 112, 145, 198, 199, 201 and 203.)
  • inspirereview:I-f-4
  • lectures
  • membrane model: D-brane
  • membrane model: p-brane
  • string model
  • particle: relativistic
  • partition function
  • space-time
  • supersymmetry
  • duality