Massive sterile neutrinos as warm dark matter
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We show that massive sterile neutrinos mixed with the ordinary ones may be produced in the early universe in the right amount to be natural warm dark matter particles. Their mass should be in the range 1-40 keV and the corresponding mixing angles sin^2 2 theta=10^{-8} to 10^{-11} for mixing with nu_mu or nu_tau, and mixing with nu_e is marginally allowed with mass about 30 keV and sin^2 theta = 10^{-11}.- neutrino: sterile
- neutrino: massive
- cosmological model
- dark matter
- neutrino: mixing angle
- neutrino: production
- neutrino: energy spectrum
- neutrino: decay modes
- numerical calculations: interpretation of experiments
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- Nucl.Phys.B Proc.Suppl. 91 (2001) 503-516,
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