Measurement of |V(ub) / V(cb)| (and |V(ub)|) in exclusive nonleptonic decays within the generalized factorization scheme
Oct, 2000
15 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 63 (2001) 094506
- hep-ph/0010157 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- YUMS-00-08
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We have studied extracting |\vub/\vcb| by calculating the ratios including penguin effects within the factorization assumption. The ratios involving mode have considerable penguin corrections ( at the amplitude level), but those involving mode have relatively small penguin corrections. On the other hand, the mode has smaller form-factor dependance. Therefore, these ratios complement each other in measuring \vub/\vcb. The theoretical uncertainty from the hadronic form factors in our method is at the level of 15%, which is comparable to the model-dependence uncertainty of about 20% in the measurement of | \vub/\vcb | from the exclusive semileptonic B decays. Using the newest upper limit on decay from CLEO, our method sets an upper limit | \vub/\vcb | < 0.13 which is very close to the measured values from the semileptonic B decays. We also discuss the possible breaking of factorization assumption.- anti-B0: hadronic decay
- anti-B0: branching ratio
- D
- D/s
- D/s*(2110)
- D*(2010)
- CKM matrix: ratio
- amplitude analysis
- form factor
- numerical calculations: interpretation of experiments