First results from subthreshold K+ production measurements with ANKE


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Abstract: (Elsevier)
The new spectrometer ANKE has been put into operation at the accelerator COSY of the Forschungszentrum Jülich. An initial scientific goal is to study K + -production in pA collisions at subthreshold energies below the free NN-threshold of T = 1.58 GeV. First measurements of double differential cross sections in p 12 C collisions at emission angles around 0° have been performed at T = 1.0, 1.2 and 2.0 GeV. The challenge is to identify the kaons in a huge background of pions and protons, since the signal to background ratio decreases to about 10 −6 at T = 1.0 GeV. For background suppression detectors and a trigger system based on energy-loss and time-of-flight measurements have been developed. In the analysis the decay of kaons ( τ = 12.4 ns) stopped in the detection system into μ + and π + is exploited as well as the track information from the wire chambers.
  • talk: Beijing 1999/08/24
  • p nucleus: inclusive reaction
  • p nucleus: nuclear reaction
  • carbon
  • K+: hadroproduction
  • threshold
  • momentum spectrum
  • magnetic spectrometer: experimental results
  • Juelich COSY PS
  • 1.0: 1.2: 2.0 GeV