Structure functions for the three nucleon system
Dec, 2000
30 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.C 64 (2001) 024004
- nucl-th/0012081 [nucl-th]
Report number:
- ADP-00-55-T435,
- PCCF-RI-00-30
Citations per year
The spectral functions and light-cone momentum distributions of protons and neutrons in 3He and 3H are given in terms of the three-nucleon wave function for realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions. To reduce computational complexity, separable expansions are employed for the nucleon-nucleon potentials. The results for the light-cone momentum distributions suggest that they are not very sensitive to the details of the two-body interaction, as long as it has reasonable short-range repulsion. The unpolarised and polarised structure functions are examined for both 3He and 3H in order to test the usefulness of 3He as a neutron target. It is found that the measurement of the spin structure function of polarised 3H would provide a very clear test of the predicted change in the polarised parton distributions of a bound proton.Note:
- 30 pages, REVTeX, 11 figures Report-no: ADP-00-55/T435, PCCF RI 00-30
- lepton nucleus: deep inelastic scattering
- polarization
- light nucleus: structure function
- helium: nuclide
- tritium
- three-body problem
- separable potential
- nucleus: wave function
- p: momentum spectrum
- n: momentum spectrum
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