Simulations of R-parity Violating SUSY Models
Aug, 2000Citations per year
In recent years there has been a great deal of interest in R-parity violating super-
symmetric models. We explain the motivation for studying these models and explore the
various phenomenological consequences of R-parity violation. In particular, we argue that
if we are to explore all channels for the discovery of supersymmetry then these models
must be investigated.
It has become essential for the experimental study of any new model to have a Monte
Carlo event generator which includes the processes predicted by that model. We review the
techniques used in the construction of these simulations and show how we have extended
the HERWIG event generator to include R-parity violating processes. We discuss how to
treat the emission of QCD radiation in these processes including colour coherence effects
via the angular-ordered parton shower.
We then make use of this simulation to investigate the discovery potential for resonant
slepton production, via either supersymmetric gauge or R-parity violating decay modes,
in hadron–hadron collisions. In particular, we show that although the colour coherence
properties of the R-parity violating decay modes can be used to improve the extraction of
a signal above the QCD background these processes will only be visible for large values
of the R-parity violating Yukawa couplings. However a signal, i.e. like-sign dilepton
production, from the supersymmetric gauge decay modes is visible above the background
for much smaller values of the R-parity violating Yukawa couplings.
Finally, we look at the possibility that the KARMEN time anomaly can be explained
by the existence of a light neutralino which is produced in the decay of charged pions via
R-parity violation. This neutralino then decays inside the KARMEN detector, into three
leptons via R-parity violation, explaining the excess of events observed by the KARMEN
- Ph.D. Thesis
- thesis
- electroweak interaction
- supersymmetry
- R parity: violation
- quantum chromodynamics
- radiation: emission
- color: coherence
- showers: parton
- hadron hadron: interaction
- slepton: hadroproduction