Abstract: (AIP)
Wakefield effects due to internal vacuum chamber roughness may increase the electron beam energy spread and so have become an immediate concern for future x-ray free-electron laser (FEL) project developments such as the SLAC Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) and the DESY TESLA x-ray FEL. We describe a possible experiment to characterize the effects of surface roughness on an FEL driven by self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) operation. Although the specific system described is not completely identical to the above-proposed projects, much useful scaling information could be obtained and applied to shorter wavelength systems.
  • talk: Arcidosso 2000/09/10
  • free electron laser
  • vacuum system: surface
  • wake field
  • beam: width
  • energy: width
  • Argonne Lab
  • SLAC Lab
  • DESY TESLA Linac
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