The chandra x-ray observatory resolves the x-ray morphology and spectra of a jet in pks 0637-752
May, 2000Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
The core-dominated radio-loud quasar PKS 0637-752 (z = 0.654) was the first celestial object observed with the Chandra X-ray Observatory, offering the early surprise of the detection of a remarkable X-ray jet. Several observations with a variety of detector configurations contribute to a total exposure time with the Chandra Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS: Garmire et al. 2000, in preparation) of about 100ks. A spatial analysis of all the available X-ray data, making use of Chandra's spatial resolving power of about 0.4 arcsec, reveals a jet that extends about 10 arcsec to the west of the nucleus. At least four X-ray knots are resolved along the jet, which contains about 5% of the overall X-ray luminosity of the source. Previous observations of PKS 0637-752 in the radio band (Tingay et al. 1998) had identified a kpc-scale radio jet extending to the West of the quasar. The X-ray and radio jets are similar in shape, intensity distribution, and angular structure out to about 9 arcsec, after which the X-ray brightness decreases more rapidly and the radio jet turns abruptly to the north. The X-ray luminosity of the total source is log Lx ~ 45.8 erg/s (2 - 10keV), and appears not to have changed since it was observed with ASCA in November 1996. We present the results of fitting a variety of emission models to the observed spectral distribution, comment on the non-existence of emission lines recently reported in the ASCA observations of PKS 0637-752, and briefly discuss plausible X-ray emission mechanisms.References(63)