
Monthly report of activities: December 1, 1968

Dec 1, 1968
16 pages
Report number:

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    Prototype RF System. The 300-kW driver stages, which are amplifier stages driving the final 5-MW power amplifier of the rf system, are complete and are being used for power tests on a prototype drift -tube assem-· bly. Tests have begun on the 10-MW modulated plate power supply at Continental Electronics in Dallas, Texas. The modulator has been pUlsed for 250 microseconds at the rate of 15 pulses per second, operating at 34 kV into a 120-ohm load with no evidence of oscillations. The protective circuits have operated properly. Delivery of the modulator and 5-MW power amplifier is still expected in January, on schedule
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      Quadrupoles and Drift Tubes. All parts for the first 18 drift tubes of the 10-MeV prototype have been fabricated and are being assembled, using electron-beam welding. The remaining 39 drift tubes are being fabricated, largely outside the Laboratory
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        Beam Transport. Design of the beam-transport system from preac celerator to linac has been completed and checked with the Brookhaven computer program. The Brookhaven program includes effects of quadrupole fringe fields and of spac e -charge forces. These latter effects are 01 grea-:: importance because of the high current (225 rnA) for which the transport systern must be designed. Booster 1. Magnet Design. Measurements on the D1 and D2 dc magnet models and finite -permeability computational results have both shown that the goodfield region is too small at high fields. Computer results also show that the -:J- NAL-18 0090.01 peak flux in the F magnets is higher than haLl been expected. The magnet cross section will be increased to overcome these effects. 2 vacuum Model. The rough 1-ft vacuum LDodel has been partially out-5 gassed and has already reached a pressure 01 10 torr. The 1 O-ft vacuum model has been stacked and enclosed in the vacuum chamber and potted. 3 Second-Harmonic Week. The study of the effects of adding a second harmonic to the boosL:r rf waveform brought to light a number of theoretical problems. The most significant of these problems is that of space -charge effects at transition energy, when the beam is very tightly bunched These effects can cause loss of beam. It seems clear that the space -charge effects are more severe at a cycling rate of 7.5 Hz than at 15 Hz, because of the