Parallax and kinematics of psr b0919+06 from vlba astrometry and interstellar scintillometry
Oct, 2000Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
Results are presented from a long-term astrometry program on PSR B0919+06 using the NRAO Very Long Baseline Array. With ten observations (seven epochs) between 1994--2000, we measure a proper motion of 18.35 +/- 0.06 mas/yr in RA, 86.56 +/- 0.12 mas/yr in Dec, and a parallax of 0.83 +/- 0.13 mas (68% confidence intervals). This yields a pulsar distance of 1.21 +/- 0.19 kpc, making PSR B0919+06 the farthest pulsar for which a trigonometric parallax has been obtained, and the implied pulsar transverse speed is 505 +/- 80 km/s. Combining the distance estimate with interstellar scintillation data spanning 20 years, we infer the existence of a patchy or clumpy scattering screen along the line of sight in addition to the distributed electron density predicted by models for the Galaxy, and constrain the location of this scattering region to within about 250 parsecs of the Sun. Comparison with the lines of sight towards other pulsars in the same quadrant of the Galaxy permits refinement of our knowledge of the local interstellar matter in this direction.References(0)
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