Virtual photon fragmentation functions
Jan, 2001Citations per year
We introduce operator definitions for virtual photon fragmentation functions, which are needed for reliable calculations of Drell-Yan transverse momentum () distributions when is much larger than the invariant mass . We derive the evolution equations for these fragmentation functions. We calculate the leading order evolution kernels for partons to fragment into a unpolarized as well as a polarized virtual photon. We find that fragmentation functions to a longitudinally polarized virtual photon are most important at small , and the fragmentation functions to a transversely polarized virtual photon dominate the large region. We discuss the implications of this finding to the J/ mesons' polarization at large transverse momentum.- photon: fragmentation function
- off-shell
- polarization
- hadron hadron: inclusive reaction
- lepton: pair production
- Drell-Yan process
- Feynman graph
- quantum chromodynamics
- J/psi(3100): polarization
- transverse momentum: high
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