Asymptotics of QCD factorization in exclusive hadronic decays of B mesons

Feb, 2001
27 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 619 (2001) 538-564
Report number:
  • CLNS-01-1723

Citations per year

Abstract: (Elsevier)
Using the renormalon calculus, we study the asymptotic behavior of the perturbative expansion of the hard-scattering kernels entering the QCD factorization formula for the nonleptonic weak decays B ̄ 0 →D (∗)+ M − , where M is a light meson. In the “large- β 0 limit”, the kernels are infrared finite and free of endpoint singularities to all orders of perturbation theory. The leading infrared renormalon singularity corresponding to a power correction of order Λ QCD / m b vanishes if the light meson has a symmetric light-cone distribution amplitude. We calculate the Borel transforms and the corresponding momentum distribution functions of the hard-scattering kernels, and resum the series of O ( β 0 n −1 α s n ) corrections to explore the numerical significance of higher-order perturbative and power corrections. We also derive explicit expressions for the O(β 0 α s 2 ) contributions to the kernels, and for the renormalon singularities corresponding to power corrections of order ( Λ QCD / m b ) 2 . Finally, we study the limit m c →0 relevant to charmless hadronic decays such as B → ππ .
  • 27 pages, 4 figures
  • B: hadronic decay
  • anti-B0: hadronic decay
  • final state: two-particle
  • quantum chromodynamics: factorization
  • perturbation theory: asymptotic behavior
  • renormalization: renormalon
  • infrared problem
  • Borel transformation
  • correction: nonperturbative
  • numerical calculations