Saturation of elliptic flow and the transport opacity of the gluon plasma at RHIC

Apr, 2001
12 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.A 697 (2002) 495-520,
  • Nucl.Phys.A 703 (2002) 893-894 (erratum)
Report number:
  • CU-TP-1016

Citations per year

Differential elliptic flow and particle spectra are calculated taking into account the finite transport opacity of the gluon plasma produced in Au+Au at Ecm ~ 130 A GeV at RHIC. Covariant numerical solutions of the ultrarelativistic Boltzmann equation are obtained using the MPC parton cascade technique. For typical pQCD (~3 mb) elastic cross sections, extreme initial gluon densities, dN/deta ~ 15000, are required to reproduce the elliptic flow saturation pattern reported by STAR. However, we show that the solutions depend mainly on the transport opacity, χ=dzσtρg\chi=\int dz \sigma_t\rho_g, and thus the data can also be reproduced with dN/deta ~ 1000, but with extreme elastic parton cross sections, \~45 mb. We demonstrate that the spectra and elliptic flow are dominated by numerical artifacts unless parton subdivisions ~100-1000 are applied to retain Lorentz covariance for RHIC initial conditions.
  • Long overdue update with final published version + erratum (13 pages, 17 EPS figs) Report-no: CU-TP-1016 Journal-ref: Nucl. Phys. A697 (2002) 495-520: Erratum in Nucl. Phys. A703 (2002) 893-894
  • 12.38.Mh
  • 24.85.+p
  • 25.75.-q
  • scattering: heavy ion
  • gold
  • gluon: particle flow
  • angular dependence
  • transverse momentum dependence
  • hadron: particle flow
  • negative particle