Conformal higher spin symmetries of 4-d massless supermultiplets and osp(L,2M) invariant equations in generalized (super)space
Jun, 2001Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
Realization of the conformal higher spin symmetry on the 4d massless field supermultiplets is given. The self-conjugated supermultiplets, including the linearized SYM theory, are considered in some detail. Duality between non-unitary field-theoretical representations and the unitary doubleton--type representations of the 4d conformal algebra is formulated in terms of a Bogolyubov transform. The set of 4d massless fields of all spins is shown to form a representation of . The obtained results are extended to the generalized superspace invariant under supersymmetries. World line particle interpretation of the free higher spin theories in the invariant (super)space is given. Compatible with unitarity free equations of motion in the invariant (super)space are formulated. A conjecture on the chain of dualities in the higher spin gauge theories is proposed.- 11.30.Ly
- 04.65.+e
- 11.25.Hf
- field theory: conformal
- massless
- dimension: 4
- multiplet
- supersymmetry
- spin: high
- gauge field theory: Yang-Mills