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Abstract: (arXiv)
In a variety of systems which exhibit aging, the two-time response function scales as R(t,s)s1af(t/s)R(t,s)\approx s^{-1-a} f(t/s). We argue that dynamical scaling can be extended towards conformal invariance, obtaining thus the explicit form of the scaling function ff. This quantitative prediction is confirmed in several spin systems, both for T<TcT<T_c (phase ordering) and T=TcT=T_c (non-equilibrium critical dynamics). The 2D and 3D Ising models with Glauber dynamics are studied numerically, while exact results are available for the spherical model with a non-conserved order parameter, both for short-ranged and long-ranged interactions, as well as for the mean-field spherical spin glass.
  • 4 pp, 2 figs. Introduction extended, Refs. added/ Phys. Rev. Lett. in press
  • 05.40.-a
  • 64.60.-i
  • 75.40.Gb
  • 75.50.Lk
  • scaling
  • invariance: conformal
  • Ising model
  • dimension: 2
  • dimension: 3
  • spin: glass