Mesoscopic QCD and the theta vacua

Aug, 2001
31 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 624 (2002) 253-282

Citations per year

The partition function of QCD is analyzed for an arbitrary number of flavors, N_f, and arbitrary quark masses including the contributions from all topological sectors in the Leutwyler--Smilga regime. For given N_f and arbitrary vacuum angle, \theta, the partition function can be reduced to N_f-2 angular integrations of single Bessel functions. For two and three flavors, the \theta dependence of the QCD vacuum is studied in detail. For N_f= 2 and 3, the chiral condensate decreases monotonically as \theta increases from zero to \pi and the chiral condensate develops a cusp at \theta=\pi for degenerate quark masses in the macroscopic limit. We find a discontinuity at \theta=\pi in the first derivative of the energy density with respect to \theta for degenerate quark masses. This corresponds to the first--order phase transition in which CP is spontaneously broken, known as Dashen's phenomena.
  • 31 pages, revtex, 10 figures, final version to appear in Nucl. Phys. B
  • 12.38.Lg
  • quantum chromodynamics
  • partition function
  • vacuum state: Theta parameter
  • fermion: flavor
  • condensation: chiral
  • energy: density
  • critical phenomena
  • susceptibility: topological
  • scaling