N=1 supersymmetric sigma model with boundaries. 1.
Nov, 2001
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We study an N=1 two-dimensional non-linear sigma model with boundaries representing, e.g., a gauge fixed open string. We describe the full set of boundary conditions compatible with N=1 superconformal symmetry. The problem is analyzed in two different ways: by studying requirements for invariance of the action, and by studying the conserved supercurrent. We present the target space interpretation of these results, and identify the appearance of partially integrable almost product structures.Note:
- 24 pages, LaTeX. v2: minor clarification in section 3.2, reference added. v3: section added on N=2 supersymmetry. v4: typos corrected, published version Subj-class: High Energy Physics - Theory: Mathematical Physics Journal-ref: Commun. Math. Phys. 233 (2003) 3, 403-421
- sigma model
- supersymmetry
- dimension: 2
- boundary condition
- current: conservation law
- invariance: conformal
- membrane model: D-brane