Genesis: How the universe began according to standard model particle physics

Sep, 2001
48 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
I show that the mutual consistency of the Bekenstein Bound, the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics, and general relativity implies that the universe began in a unique state. I solve the coupled EYM equations for this unique state, show how the horizon problem is solved, and how SM baryogenesis naturally results from the triangle anomoly. Since the SU(2) winding number state is thus non-zero, the universe is not in the QCD ground state, and this plausibly yields a (small) positive cosmological constant. Since the initial state is unique, it is necessarily homogeneous and isotropic, as required by the Bekenstein Bound. Wheeler-DeWitt quantization implies an S3S^3 cosmology must be very close to flat if the universe is to be classical today. I show that the spectrum of any classical gauge field (or interacting massless scalar field) in a FRW universe necessarily obeys the Wien displacement law and the corresponding quantized field the Planck distribution law with the reciprocal of the scale factor playing the role of temperature, even if the fields have zero temperature. Thus the CBR could even today be a pure SU(2) electroweak field at zero temperature coupled to the Higgs field, in spite of early universe inverse double Compton and thermal bremsstrahlung.Such a CBR would not couple to right-handed electrons, and this property can be detected with a Penning trap or even using the late 1960's CBR detector with appropriate filters. I argue that ultrahigh energy (UHE) Genesisf.tex Genesisf.tex cosmic ray protons would not produce pions by interacting with such a CBR, and thus the existence of such protons may constitute an observation of this CBR property.
  • Friedman model
  • space-time: Robertson-Walker
  • electroweak interaction
  • general relativity
  • space-time: singularity
  • sphaleron
  • gauge field theory: SU(2)
  • Einstein equation: solution
  • instanton: tunneling
  • baryon: production