Cold dark matter from dark energy
Nov, 2001
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
Dark energy/matter unification is first demonstrated within the framework of a simplified model. Geodetic evolution of a cosmological constant dominated bubble Universe, free of genuine matter, is translated into a specific FRW cosmology whose effectively induced dark component highly resembles the cold dark matter ansatz. The realistic extension constitutes a dark soliton which bridges past (radiation and/or matter dominated) and future (cosmological constant dominated) Einstein regimes; its experimental signature is a moderate redshift dependent cold dark matter deficiency function.Note:
- 4 pages, 4 eps figures, Revtex
- astrophysics: missing-mass
- dark energy
- Friedman model
- space-time: Robertson-Walker
- bubble
- cosmological constant
- soliton
- membrane model
- numerical calculations