Search for the Delta++ component in C-12 ground state using C-12(gamma, pi+ p) reaction
Dec, 2001
Citations per year
The differential cross section for the C reaction has been measured in the (1232) resonance region at high recoil momenta of the residual nuclear system. The data are analyzed under the assumption that the formation of the pairs may be interpreted as a process which takes place on a preexisting in the target nucleus. Estimates of the momentum distribution =0.17 fm for a mean momentum MeV/c as well as the number of isobars per nucleon were obtained for C.Note:
- 25 pages LaTeX2e, 7 eps figures
- 25.20.Lj
- 21.30.+y
- Nuclear reactions
- 12 C( γ , pπ + )
- E =420,500 MeV bremsstrahlung
- Measured
- E p
- pπ -coin.
- σ ( E , θ )
- 12 C deduced Δ resonance component