A K-band selected photometric redshift catalog in the HDF-S: Sampling the rest-frame V-band to z = 3
Jun, 2001Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We present the first results from the Faint Infra-Red Extragalactic Survey (FIRES) of the Hubble Deep Field South. Using a combination of deep near infrared data obtained with ISAAC at the VLT with the WFPC2 HST data, we construct a K-band selected sample of 136 galaxies with K(AB)<=23.5. We derive zphot's using a newly developed technique which models the observed spectral energy distribution with a linear combination of empirical galaxy templates. Testing our zphot technique against spectroscopic redshifts in the HDF-N yields dz/(1+z)~0.07 for z<6. We show that we can derive realistic error estimates in zphot by combining the systematic uncertainties derived from the HDF-N with errors in zphot which depend on the observed flux errors. The redshift histogram of galaxies in the HDF-S shows distinct structure with a sharp peak at z~0.5 and a broad enhancement at z~1-1.4. We find that 12% of our galaxies with K(vega)<21 lie at z>=2. While this is higher than the fraction predicted in Omega_M=1 hierarchical models of galaxy formation we find that published predictions using pure luminosity evolution models produce too many bright galaxies at redshifts greater than unity. Finally, we use our broad wavelength coverage to measure the rest-frame UBV luminosities Lrest for z<=3. There is a paucity of galaxies brighter than Lrest_V>=1.4e10 h^{-2}Lsun at z~1.5-2, however, at z>2 we find very luminous galaxies with Lrest_V>=5e10 h^{-2}Lsun (for Omega_M=0.3,Lambda=0.7, H_o=100 h km s^{-1}Mpc^{-1}). Local B-band luminosity functions predict 0.1 galaxies in the redshift range 2<=z<=3.5 and with Lrest_B>= 5e10 h^{-2}Lsun,B but we find 9. The discrepancy can be explained if L*_B increases by a factor of 2.4-3.2 with respect to locally determined values (abridged).- GALAXIES DISTANCES