Renormalization group flows for gauge theories in axial gauges
Mar, 200223 pages
Published in:
- JHEP 09 (2002) 049
- hep-th/0203005 [hep-th]
Report number:
- CERN-TH-2002-049,
- FAU-TP3-02-06
Citations per year
Gauge theories in axial gauges are studied using Exact Renormalisation Group flows. We introduce a background field in the infrared regulator, but not in the gauge fixing, in contrast to the usual background field gauge. It is shown how heat-kernel methods can be used to obtain approximate solutions to the flow and the corresponding Ward identities. Expansion schemes are discussed, which are not applicable in covariant gauges. As an application, we derive the one-loop effective action for covariantly constant field strength, and the one-loop beta-function for arbitrary regulator.- gauge field theory
- axial gauge
- renormalization group
- background field
- heat kernel
- Ward identity
- effective action
- beta function
- regularization
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