(Anti-) de Sitter black holes in higher derivative gravity and dual conformal field theories
Apr, 2002Citations per year
Thermodynamics of five-dimensional Schwarzschild Anti-de Sitter (SAdS) and SdS black holes in the particular model of higher derivative gravity is considered. The free energy, mass (thermodynamical energy) and entropy are evaluated. There exists the parameters region where BH entropy is zero or negative. The arguments are given that corresponding BH solutions are not stable. We also present the FRW-equations of motion of time (space)-like branes in SAdS or SdS BH background. The properties of dual CFT are discussed and it is shown that it has zero Casimir energy when BH entropy (effective gravitational constant) is zero. The Cardy-Verlinde formula for CFT dual to SAdS or SdS BH is found in the universal form.- black hole: Schwarzschild
- space-time: de Sitter
- space-time: anti-de Sitter
- field theory: conformal
- duality
- gravitation
- derivative: high
- dimension: 5
- thermodynamics
- energy: Casimir