Triton binding energy calculated from the SU(6) quark model nucleon nucleon interaction
May, 2002
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Properties of the three-nucleon bound state are examined in the Faddeev formalism, in which the quark-model nucleon-nucleon interaction is explicitly incorporated to calculate the off-shell T-matrix. The most recent version, fss2, of the Kyoto-Niigata quark-model potential yields the ground-state energy ^3H=-8.514 MeV in the 34 channel calculation, when the np interaction is used for the nucleon-nucleon interaction. The charge root mean square radii of the ^3H and ^3He are 1.72 fm and 1.90 fm, respectively, including the finite size correction of the nucleons. These values are the closest to the experiments among many results obtained by detailed Faddeev calculations employing modern realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction models.- 21.30.-x
- 13.75.Cs
- 21.45.+v
- 12.39.Jh
- tritium: binding energy
- nucleon nucleon: interaction
- three-body problem
- quark
- symmetry: SU(6)
- tritium: form factor
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