Low-energy proton deuteron scattering with exact treatment of coulomb force
Jun, 2002Citations per year
A modified version of the Faddeev three-body equation to accommodate the Coulomb interaction, which was used in the study of three-nucleon bound states, is applied to the proton-deuteron scattering problem at energies below the three-body breakup threshold. A formal derivation of the equation in a time-independent scattering theory is given. Numerical results for phase shift parameters are presented to be compared with those of another methods and results of the phase shift analysis. Differential cross sections and nucleon analyzing powers are calculated with the effects of three-nucleon forces, and these results are compared with recent experimental data. The difference between the nucleon analyzing power in proton-deuteron scattering and that in neutron-deuteron scattering is discussed.Note:
- 23 pages, 6 eps figures, use FBSart.cls and FBSmath.clo
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