Search for the lepton flavor violating decay A0 / H0 ---> tau+- mu-+ at hadron colliders
Jul, 200218 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 67 (2003) 035001
- hep-ph/0207302 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- LYCEN-2002-27,
- BNL-69300,
- ATL-COM-PHYS-2002-031
Citations per year
In the two Higgs doublet model type III and in several other extensions of the Standard Model, there are no discrete symmetries that suppress flavor changing couplings at tree level. The experimental observation of the nu_mu -- nu_tau flavor oscillation may suggest the non-conservation of lepton number. This would lead to the decay of the type A^0/H^0 --> tau^{+/-} mu^{+/-}. We determine the present low energy limit on lepton flavor violating (LFV) couplings from the muon g-2 measurement and discuss the prospects for detecting lepton flavor violating decays at the TeVatron and at the Large Hadron Collider. The achievable bounds on the LFV coupling parameter lambda_{tau mu} are presented.- 12.60.Fr
- 14.80.Cp
- 11.30.Hv
- p p: inclusive reaction
- anti-p p: annihilation
- electroweak interaction: model
- Higgs particle: multiplet
- doublet: 2
- Higgs particle: hadroproduction
- Higgs particle: leptonic decay