Measuring cluster peculiar velocities and temperatures at CM and MM wavelengths
Jul, 2002Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We present a detailed investigation of issues related to the measurement of peculiar velocities and temperatures using Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effects. We estimate the accuracy to which peculiar velocities and gas temperatures of distant galaxy clusters could be measured. With uK sensitivity on arcminute scales at several frequencies it will be possible to measure peculiar velocities to an accuracy of about 130 km/s and gas temperatures to better than 1 keV. The limiting factor for the accuracy of the measured peculiar velocity is the presence of bulk motions within the galaxy cluster, even for apparently relaxed clusters. The accuracy of the temperature is mainly limited by noise. These results are independent of redshift. Such constraints can best be achieved with only three frequencies: one in the Rayleigh-Jeans region (<40 GHz), one near 150 GHz, and the third at 300 GHz or higher. Measurements at the null of the thermal SZ effect are of marginal utility, other than as a foreground/background monitor.References(21)