Holomorphic N=1 special geometry of open - closed type II strings
Jul, 2002Citations per year
We outline a general geometric structure that underlies the N=1 superpotentials of a certain class of flux and brane configurations in type II string compactifications on Calabi-Yau threefolds. This ``holomorphic N=1 special geometry'' is in many respects comparable to, and in a sense an extension of, the familiar special geometry in N=2 supersymmetric type II string compactifications. It puts the computation of the instanton-corrected superpotential W of the four-dimensional N=1 string effective action on a very similar footing as the familiar computation of the N=2 prepotential F via mirror symmetry. In this note we present some of the main ideas and results, while more details as well as some explicit computations will appear in a companion paper- string model
- membrane model
- flux
- space: Calabi-Yau
- superpotential
- effective action
- geometry
- field theory: topological
- compactification: Calabi-Yau
- cohomology