Lattice models with N=2 supersymmetry
Oct, 2002Citations per year
We introduce lattice models with explicit N=2 supersymmetry. In these interacting models, the supersymmetry generators Q^+ and Q^- yield the Hamiltonian H={Q^+,Q^-} on any graph. The degrees of freedom can be described as either fermions with hard cores, or as quantum dimers. The Hamiltonian of our simplest model contains a hopping term and a repulsive potential, as well as the hard-core repulsion. We discuss these models from a variety of perspectives: using a fundamental relation with conformal field theory, via the Bethe ansatz, and using cohomology methods. The simplest model provides a manifestly-supersymmetric lattice regulator for the supersymmetric point of the massless 1+1-dimensional Thirring (Luttinger) model. We discuss the ground-state structure of this same model on more complicated graphs, including a 2-leg ladder, and discuss some generalizations.- lattice field theory
- supersymmetry
- Hamiltonian formalism
- field theory: conformal
- Bethe ansatz
- cohomology
- Thirring model
- dimension: 2
- ground state
- continuum limit