Impact picture phenomenology for π+\pi^+ -p, K+K^+ -p and ppp p, pˉp\bar{p} p elastic scattering at high-energies

Oct, 2002
28 pages
Published in:
  • Eur.Phys.J.C 28 (2003) 97-105
Report number:
  • CPT-2002-P-4429

Citations per year

We present an extension to π±p\pi^{\pm} p and K±pK^{\pm} p elastic scattering at high energies of the impact-picture phenomenology we first proposed more than twenty years ago, for ppp p and pˉp\bar p p elastic scattering. We show, in particular, that the analytic form of the opacity function for the proton obtained previously is compatible with the experimental results on πp\pi p and KpK p elastic scattering at high energies. It is proposed that π±\pi^{\pm} and K±K^{\pm} external beams be provided from CERN-LHC, so that their elastic scattering from protons can be studied at higher energies. Our phenomenology for ppp p and pˉp\bar p p elastic scattering is updated by including new data and we give predictions for future experiments at BNL-RHIC and CERN-LHC.
  • 28 pages, 18 eps figures Report-no: CPT-2002/P.4429 Journal-ref: Eur.Phys.J. C28 (2003) 97-105
  • pi p: elastic scattering
  • K p: elastic scattering
  • p p: elastic scattering
  • anti-p p: elastic scattering
  • hadron hadron: scattering amplitude
  • model: impact parameter
  • pomeron: exchange
  • Regge poles
  • channel cross section: energy dependence
  • cosmic radiation