The free energies of static charges and center monopoles are given by their fluxes. While electric fluxes show the universal behaviour of the deconfinement transition, the monopole free energies vanish in the thermodynamic limit at all temperatures and are thus irrelevant for the transition. Magnetic fluxes may, however, be used to measure the topological susceptibility without cooling.
  • 3 pages, LaTeX2e (ws-procs9x6.cls), 1 eps-figure, talk presented by L.v.S. at Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum V, Gargnano, Italy, September 10-14, 2002
  • talk: Gargnano 2002/09/10
  • lattice field theory
  • gauge field theory: SU(2)
  • flux: electric
  • flux: magnetic
  • critical phenomena: confinement
  • energy
  • susceptibility: topological
  • charge: topological
  • boundary condition: twist