Asteroid 1620 Geographos: II. Associated Meteor Streams
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Abstract: (Springer)
This study attempts to answer the following questions. Are there meteor streams genetically related to asteroid 1620 Geographos? When and how were they generated? Can we find any of them in the catalogs of orbits of meteors that have been observed? Numerous model streams, varying in particle-ejection scheme and in the moment of generation, have been considered. It has been found that the meteor streams observed from the Earth were most likely produced as a result of a collision with a small body. However, the generation of the meteor stream under the combined effect of rotation and tidal forces during the asteroid's close approach to the Earth cannot also be ruled out. Meteoroid streams formed at high ejection velocities (up to 1 km/s) can approach the Earth's orbit twice per orbital period: once before perihelion (in February–March) and once after perihelion (in August). The 44 orbits close to the model ones were found in the catalogs of meteoroid orbits. A taxonomic structure has been built for them. The distribution of ejection velocities for the models of Earth-approaching meteoroids points to the impact of an overtaking body, but the moment of collision remains unknown. Thus, it is quite possible that asteroid Geographos is the parent body for twin meteor showers observed at the Earth: Spring and Autumn Geographids.References(1)