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Performances of a neutrino beam generated by the CERN SPL proton driver are computed considering a 440 kton water Cerenkov detector at 130 km from the target. θ13\theta_{13} sensitivity down to 1.21.2^\circ and a δ\delta sensitivity comparable to a Neutrino Factory, for θ133\theta_{13} \geq 3^\circ, are within the reach of such a project.
  • Invited talk at the Nufact02 Workshop, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, July 2002
  • talk: London 2002/07/01
  • p: linear accelerator
  • neutrino: particle source
  • neutrino: flux
  • CP: violation
  • Cherenkov counter: water
  • Frejus
  • CERN Lab