Dyon oscillator duality. Hidden symmetry of the Yang-Coulomb monopole

Feb, 2003

Citations per year

In this article, in the framework of an analytical approach and with help of the generalized version of the Hurwitz transformation the five--dimensional bound system composed of the Yang monople coupled to a particle of the isospin by SU(2) and Coulomb interaction is constructed from the eight-dimensional quantum oscillator. The generalized Runge-Lentz vector and the SO(6) group of the hidden symmetry are established. It is also shown that group of hidden symmetry makes it possible to calculate the spectrum of system by a pure algebraic method.
  • 12 page, submitted in the Proceedings of the Workshop on "Superintegrability in Classical an Quantum Systems" (September 16-22, 2002, Montreal)
  • talk: Montreal 2002/09/16
  • oscillator
  • dimension: 8
  • bound state
  • dyon
  • dimension: 5
  • hidden symmetry: SO(6)
  • interaction: Coulomb
  • Hurwitz transformation
  • charge: topological