The Accelerated expansion of the Universe as a quantum cosmological effect
Feb, 2003
23 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Lett.A 315 (2003) 36-50
- gr-qc/0302112 [gr-qc]
Report number:
- CBPF-NF-023-03
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Abstract: (arXiv)
We study the quantized Friedmann-Lema\^{\i}tre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) model minimally coupled to a free massless scalar field. In a previous paper, \cite{fab2}, solutions of this model were constructed as gaussian superpositions of negative and positive modes solutions of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, and quantum bohmian trajectories were obtained in the framework of the Bohm-de Broglie (BdB) interpretation of quantum cosmology. In the present work, we analyze the quantum bohmian trajectories of a different class of gaussian packets. We are able to show that this new class generates bohmian trajectories which begin classical (with decelerated expansion), undergo an accelerated expansion in the middle of its evolution due to the presence of quantum cosmological effects in this period, and return to its classical decelerated expansion in the far future. We also show that the relation between luminosity distance and redshift in the quantum cosmological model can be made close to the corresponding relation coming from the classical model suplemented by a cosmological constant, for . These results suggest the posibility of interpreting the present observations of high redshift supernovae as the manifestation of a quantum cosmological effect.- astrophysics: acceleration
- quantum cosmology: effect
- Friedman model
- quantization
- space-time: Robertson-Walker
- coupling: minimal
- field theory: scalar
- massless
- minisuperspace
- trajectory
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