The problem of color confinement in lattice Landau gauge QCD is briefly reviewed in the light of Kugo-Ojima criterion and Gribov-Zwanziger theory. The infrared properties of the Landau gauge QCD is studied by the measurement of the gluon propagator, ghost propagator, Kugo-Ojima parameter and the running coupling via β=6.4,324,484\beta=6.4,32^4,48^4 lattice simulation. The data are analyzed in the principle of minimum sensitivity(PMS) in the MOMundefined\widetilde{MOM} scheme. We observe the running coupling αs(q)\alpha_s(q) has a maximum about 1 and decreases near q=0. The Kugo-Ojima parameter, which is expected to be 1 was about 0.8.
  • 7 pages, 4 figures, SCGT02 conference proceedings, Dec.10-13 2002
  • talk: Nagoya 2002/12/10
  • gauge field theory: SU(3)
  • lattice field theory
  • gluon: propagator
  • Landau gauge
  • ghost: propagator
  • coupling constant: strong interaction
  • numerical calculations: Monte Carlo