Spin effects and baryon resonance dynamics in phi meson photoproduction at few GeV
May, 2003Citations per year
The diffractive -meson photoproduction amplitude is dominated by the Pomeron exchange process and contains the terms that govern the spin-spin and spin-orbital interactions. We show that these terms are responsible for the spin-flip transitions at forward photoproduction angles and appear in the angular distributions of -decay in reactions with unpolarized and polarized photon beams. At large momentum transfers, the main contribution to the -meson photoproduction is found to be due to the excitation of nucleon resonances. Combined analysis of and photoproduction indicates strong OZI-rule violation in - couplings. We also show that the spin observables are sensitive to the dynamics of -meson photoproduction at large angles and could help distinguish different theoretical models of nucleon resonances. Predictions for spin effects in -meson photoproduction are presented for future experimental tests.Note:
- 39 pages, 21 figures. Submitted to the Physical Review C
- 13.88.+e
- 13.60.Le
- 25.20.Lj
- 14.20.Gk
- photon p: exclusive reaction
- photon: polarized beam
- p: polarized target
- diffraction
- pomeron: exchange
- Regge poles