Light quark masses, chiral condensate and quark gluon condensate in quenched lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry
May, 200322 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.B 673 (2003) 217-237
- hep-lat/0305016 [hep-lat]
PDG: = (2
Report number:
- NTUTH-03-505C
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Abstract: (Elsevier)
We determine several quantities in quenched lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry. For 100 gauge configurations generated with Wilson gauge action at β =6.0 on the 16 3 ×32 lattice, we compute quenched quark propagators for 13 bare quark masses. The pion decay constant is extracted from the pion propagator, and from which the inverse lattice spacing is determined to be a −1 =1.979(6) GeV. The parameters ( δ , A , B ) in the pseudoscalar meson mass formula in quenched chiral perturbation theory (q χ PT) to one-loop order are determined. Further, we measure the index (topological) susceptibility of these 100 gauge configurations, χ t =(175±6 MeV) 4 , from which we obtain an estimate of the mass of η ′ in q χ PT, and the coefficient of quenched chiral logarithm, both in good agreement with the values determined from the pion masses, as well as with the theoretical estimates. With our values of δ , A , B , the experimental inputs of pion and kaon masses, and the pion decay constant, we determine the light quark masses: m u , d =4.1±0.3 MeV, and m s =92±9 MeV, in the MS scheme at scale μ =2 GeV. Also, we determine the quark condensate 〈 q ̄ q〉=−(250±3 MeV ) 3 , and the quark–gluon condensate g〈 q ̄ σ μν F μν q〉=−(434±4 MeV ) 5 , in the MS scheme at scale 2 GeV.Note:
- 24 pages, 9 figures, the version to appear in Nucl.Phys.B
- 11.15.Ha
- 11.30.Rd
- 12.38.Gc
- 11.30.Fs
- Quark mass
- Chiral condensate
- Quark–gluon condensate
- Lattice QCD
- Domain-wall quark
- Chiral perturbation theory