Quantum mechanics of Klein-Gordon type fields and quantum cosmology

Jun, 2003
55 pages
Published in:
  • Annals Phys. 309 (2004) 1-48

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We formulate the quantum mechanics of the solutions of a Klein-Gordon-type field equation: (\partial_t^2+D)\psi(t)=0, where D is a positive-definite operator acting in a Hilbert space \tilde H. We determine all the positive-definite inner products on the space H of the solutions of such an equation and establish their physical equivalence. We use a simple realization of the unique Hilbert space structure on H to construct the observables of the theory explicitly. In general, there are infinitely many choices for the Hamiltonian each leading to a different notion of time-evolution in H. Among these is a particular choice that generates t-translations in H and identifies t with time whenever D is t-independent. For a t-dependent D, we show that t-translations never correspond to unitary evolutions in H, and t cannot be identified with time. We apply these ideas to develop a formulation of quantum cosmology based on the Wheeler-DeWitt equation for a Friedman-Robertson-Walker model coupled to a real scalar field. We solve the Hilbert space problem, construct the observables, introduce a new set of the wave functions of the universe, reformulate the quantum theory in terms of the latter, reduce the problem of time to the determination of a Hamiltonian operator acting in L^2(\R)\oplus L^2(\R), show that the factor-ordering problem is irrelevant for the kinematics of the quantum theory, and propose a formulation of the dynamics. Our method allows for a genuine probabilistic interpretation and a unitary Schreodinger time-evolution.
  • Typos in the published version corrected
  • quantum mechanics
  • Klein-Gordon equation
  • quantum cosmology
  • Hilbert space
  • Wheeler-DeWitt equation
  • space-time: Robertson-Walker
  • field theory: scalar