Chiral QED in terms of chiral boson with a generalized Fadeevian regularization
Jun, 2003Citations per year
Chiral QED with a generalized Fadeevian regularization is considered. Imposing a chiral constraint a gauged version of Floranini-Jackiw lagrangian is constructed. The imposition of the chiral constarint has spoiled t he manifestly Lorentz covariance of the theory. The phase space structure for this theory has been det ermined. It is found that spectrum changes drastically but it is Lorentz invariant. Chiral fermion di sappears from the spectra and the photon anquire mass as well. Poincare algebra has been calculated to show physicial Lorentz invariance explicitely.- 11.15.-q
- Chiral bosons
- Faddeevian regularization
- chiral QED
- quantum electrodynamics: chiral
- boson: chiral
- Schwinger model
- partition function
- Hamiltonian formalism
- regularization
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