Free energy of the two matrix model / dToda tau function

Jun, 2003
19 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 669 (2003) 435-461
Report number:
  • CRM-2921-2003

Citations per year

We provide an integral formula for the free energy of the two-matrix model with polynomial potentials of arbitrary degree (or formal power series). This is known to coincide with the tau-function of the dispersionless two--dimensional Toda hierarchy. The formula generalizes the case studied by Kostov, Krichever, Mineev-Weinstein, Wiegmann, Zabrodin and separately Takhtajan in the case of conformal maps of Jordan curves. Finally we generalize the formula found in genus zero to the case of spectral curves of arbitrary genus with certain fixed data.
  • 02.30.Jr
  • 05.90.+m
  • matrix model
  • energy
  • differential equations: Toda
  • hierarchy
  • tau-function