Citations per year

We investigate coherence length effects and hadron attenuation in lepton scattering off nuclei in the kinematic regime of the HERMES experiment. The elementary electron-nucleon interaction is described within the event generator PYTHIA while a full coupled-channel treatment of the final state interactions is included by means of a BUU transport model. The results of our calculations are in good agreement with the experimentally measured transparency ratio of incoherent rho0 electroproduction off Nitrogen and the multiplicity ratio R_M^h for charged hadrons, pions, kaons, protons and anti-protons in deep inelastic scattering off Nitrogen and Krypton targets.
  • 17 pages, 4 figures. Proceedings of 2nd Int. Conf. on Nuclear and Particle Physics with CEBAF at Jefferson Lab, Dubrovnik, 26-31 May 2003, to be published in Fizika B
  • 11.30.Rd
  • 12.39.Fe
  • 12.38.Bx
  • chiral perturbation theory
  • topological QCD model
  • talk: Dubrovnik 2003/05/26
  • electron nucleus: inclusive reaction
  • electron nucleus: deep inelastic scattering
  • rho(770)0: electroproduction
  • charged particle: electroproduction