Exclusive K+ production in proton nucleus collisions
Aug, 2003Citations per year
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The exclusive meson production in a proton-nucleus collision, leading to two body final states, is investigated in a fully covariant two-nucleon model based on the effective Lagrangian picture. The explicit kaon production vertex is described via creation, propagation and decay into relevant channel of (1650), (1710) and (1720) intermediate baryonic states in the initial collision of the projectile nucleon with one of its target counterparts which is modeled by the one-pion exchange process. The calculated cross sections show strong sensitivity to the medium effects on pion propagator and to the final hypernuclear state excited in the reaction.- 13.75.Jz
- 25.40.Ve
- 21.80.+a
- p nucleus: exclusive reaction
- calcium
- K+: hadroproduction
- calcium: hypernucleus
- Lambda: hypernucleus
- effective Lagrangian
- vertex function
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