Flavor SU(3) symmetry in charmless B decays

Aug, 2003
21 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 68 (2003) 114007
Report number:
  • TTP03-18,
  • SFB-CPP-03-18

Citations per year

QCD sum rules are used to estimate the flavour SU(3)-symmetry violation in two-body B decays to pions and kaons. In the factorizable amplitudes the SU(3)-violation manifests itself in the ratio of the decay constants f_K/f_pi and in the differences between the B->K, B_s->K and B->pi form factors. These effects are calculated from the QCD two-point and light-cone sum rules, respectively, in terms of the strange quark mass and the ratio of the strange and nonstrange quark-condensate densities. Importantly, QCD sum rules predict that SU(3) breaking in the heavy-to-light form factors can be substantial and does not vanish in the heavy-quark mass limit. Furthermore, we investigate the strange-quark mass dependence of nonfactorizable effects in the B->K pi decay amplitudes. Taking into account these effects we estimate the accuracy of several SU(3)-symmetry relations between charmless B-decay amplitudes.
  • 11.55.Hx
  • 13.25.Hw
  • 12.38.Lg
  • B: hadronic decay
  • final state: (0charm)
  • final state: two-particle
  • B: decay modes
  • amplitude analysis
  • symmetry: SU(3)
  • symmetry breaking